Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Constructive Uncoupling |
Therapy, Mediation and Law for Divorcing or Separating Couples This SIG provides learning and networking opportunities to support those in our community who are working with clients facing the prospects of divorce or separation, and become a clearinghouse of resources and information for this area of law and family services. Our vision is to provide MFTs with information regarding the legal, financial and clinical issues related to the dissolution of marriages, and the separation of partners with children. Questions? Contact the Committee Chair!Constructive Uncoupling Co-Chairs
Contact Information Phone: 310.339.4598 Work/Private Practice Email: vgoldfarb@hushmail.com Website: www.vgoldfarb-jd-lmft.com ~~~
Contact Information Phone: 310.441.7555 Work/Private Practice Email: Judy@DivorceResourceInc.com Website: DivorceResourceInc.com | Upcoming Events