Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Therapists of Color Mentorship Committee |
The LA-CAMFT Therapists of Color Mentorship Committee exists to to both manage and promote the Therapists of Color Mentorship program. That program helps address inequities experienced by professional mental health therapists of color and intersects with other historically marginalized groups. The first of its kind amongst CAMFT chapters, LA-CAMFT is committed to ensuring quality mentorship for therapists of color by therapists of color. The mentorship program is intended to help bridge the gap by identifying and creating opportunities for growth and advancement in the field, guide clinicians across various stages of professional development, increase accessibility and sustainability in the field, and assist therapists of color to confidently provide services from their culturally authentic self. Click the following link for complete information on the TOC Mentorship Program. Questions? Contact the Committee Chair!TOC Mentorship Committee Chair
Contact Information Phone: 510.927.4202 LA-CAMFT Email: tocmentorshipprogram@lacamft.org Work/Private Practice Email: kikir@peacewc.com Website: pwcla.com ~~~ TOC Mentorship Committee Members
Contact Information Phone: 424.265.6540 Work/Private Practice Email: therapy@perlahollow.com Website: perlahollow.com ~~~
Contact Information Phone: 323.898.3414 Work/Private Practice Email: margarethgomezmft@gmail.com Website: ~~~ Christina “Tina” Cacho Sakai, LMFT (she/her) is a Latinx (Mexican-American) psychotherapist in private practice and a former community based therapist, clinical supervisor, associate director, and adjunct faculty at CSULA. She provides psychotherapy with BIPOC folx in a culturally responsive, LGBTQIA+ affirming and social justice-oriented atmosphere. Specializations include healing from trauma, befriending anxiety, processing grief and loss, exploring creativity, and honoring full intersectional identities. Therapeutic approaches include strength-based, psychodynamic, internal family systems and somatic therapy. She is currently in the BIPOC Somatic Experiencing Training Certificate Program. Contact Information Phone: 626.755.0178 LA-CAMFT Email: president@lacamft.org Work/Private Practice Email: ChristinaFCachoLMFT@gmail.com Website: https://www.christinacachosakai.com/ ~~~ Leanne Nettles, LMFT (she/her) is the Clinical Trainer at McKinley Children's Center in San Dimas, and Adjunct Faculty at Pacific Oaks College. Leanne specializes in working with at-risk children, adolescents, and families in healing trauma and improving socio-emotional and behavioral functioning. A MAP-certified supervisor and trainer, she brings energy and enthusiasm to developing team-focused collaborative therapy and community partnerships, and empowering disenfranchised communities. A graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary, Leanne utilizes her training and background experience in dance, spirituality, and multiculturalism to inform and advocate for culturally competent therapy and expressive therapeutic interventions. Contact Information Phone: 626.387.3934 LA-CAMFT Email: pastpresident@lacamft.org Work/Private Practice Email: LeanneNettles@gmail.com Website: ~~~
Contact Information Phone: 424.265.4954 Work/Private Practice Email: gflorescast17@gmail.com Website: ~~~
Contact Information Phone: 310.463.7122 Work/Private Practice Email: angela@angelamulltherapy.com Website: www.angela@angelamulltherapy.com | Upcoming Events