Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Newsletter Committee |
As Voices Editor, I welcome article submissions on various subjects pertaining to the field of mental health and healing arts. We are part of an ever-changing profession that requires us to stay informed and educated about new advances and discoveries in the field. We are also a community that brings together experienced and knowledgeable professionals and newcomers who have much to offer concerning mental health, psychotherapy, expressive arts, law and ethics, and much more. Share your knowledge with your professional community by writing for Voices, our LA-CAMFT Newsletter. You are invited to submit articles, 300-1000 words in length, to Lynne Azpeitia, Voices Editor at newsletter@lacamft.org. See guidelines below. We welcome first person pieces as well as research findings, and topics of interest to our field. We can also use writers to cover our various events. If you would like to be on the newsletter team as a writer, proofreader, or something else, please contact me at newsletter@lacamft.org. I look forward to hearing from you and reading the articles you submit! Lynne Azpeitia, LMFT, Voices Editor Questions? Contact the Committee Chair!Voices Editor & Newsletter Committee Chair
Contact Information Phone: 310.828.7121 LA-CAMFT Email: lynnemazpeitia@yahoo.com Work/Private Practice Email: lynne@gifted-adults.com Websites: www.Gifted-Adults.com, www.LAPracticeDevelopment.com, www.LynneAzpeitia.com ~~~ Voices Publication Guidelines Calling all community writers and contributors! Are you searching for a unique platform to express your passions and showcase your expertise in the Marriage & Family Therapy field? Look no further, as we welcome your input! Following are the due dates and publication guidelines for submitting articles and ads for the 2024-25 calendar year to Voices, LA-CAMFT's monthly newsletter:
LA-CAMFT Publishing Guidelines for Voices
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