Los Angeles Chapter — California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Special Interest Group Chairs |
Use the links below to learn more about becoming involved in LA-CAMFT's Special Interest Groups (SIG). Click below to access SIG forms. SIG Chair
Contact Information Phone: 423.341.1977 LA-CAMFT Email: sandibohle@gmail.com Work/Private Practice Email: sandibohle@gmail.com Website: sandibohletherapy.com ~~~ Pre-Licensed Representative / 3000 Club Co-Chairs
Contact Information Phone: LA-CAMFT Email: prelicensed@lacamft.org Work/Private Practice Email: osabaramirez@gmail.com Website: ~~~
Contact Information Phone: LA-CAMFT Email: prelicensed@lacamft.org Work/Private Practice Email: beth@bethosinofftherapy.com Website: bethosinofftherapy.com ~~~ Constructive Uncoupling Co-Chairs Victoria Goldfarb, LMFT, Esq.: I am a family law attorney, divorce mediator and LMFT. I spend half my time in my W.L.A. office, where I treat individuals and couples and provide mediation and legal services to divorcing clients. I spend the other half of my time at Fig Tree Therapy Center, a group practice in D.T.L.A., where I treat individuals and couples. I have been trained in the Imago and Gottman Couples Methods (Level 3 completed). I have also completed a grief specialization training at Our House, as divorce is the death of a dream and a family. Website: www.vgoldfarb-jd-lmft.com. Contact Information ~~~
Contact Information ~~~ Somatic Psychotherapy Chair VACANT ~~~ Expressive Arts Chair VACANT ~~~ | Upcoming Events