Los Angeles Chapter  California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Special Interest Group Chairs

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SIG Chair

Sandi Bohle, MA, Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, is in private practice in Pasadena at Tree of Life Healing, supervised by Chris Tickner, PhD, LMFT. Specializing in complex trauma, Sandi works from a Psychodynamic approach synthesized with Dialectical Behavioral Therapy and EMDR while incorporating humor, play, and somatic modalities to help individuals address the various challenges that life and relationships often bring. Sandi has an MA in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University, Los Angeles, is an alumnus of Open Paths Counseling Center, has advanced training in EMDR and DBT and has begun advanced training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy.

Contact Information

Phone: 423.341.1977

LA-CAMFT Email: sandibohle@gmail.com

Work/Private Practice Email: sandibohle@gmail.com

Website: sandibohletherapy.com


Pre-Licensed Representative / 3000 Club Co-Chairs

Ofelia Saba Ramírez, AMFT is a queer, trauma-informed therapist of color working with queer and trans people, ethically non-monogamous relationships, kink communities, and sex workers. With over 20 years of social justice and advocacy work, she approaches therapy with a relational and feminist lens. Off hours, she watches funny cat videos, reads, writes, and brings people together to build community. Her cats would describe her as ‘adequate'—but only if treats are involved.

Contact Information


LA-CAMFT Email: prelicensed@lacamft.org

Work/Private Practice Email: osabaramirez@gmail.com



Beth Eliana Osinoff (she/her) is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, couples/relationship therapy, and supporting queer-identified folks. Beth holds a BA from UC Berkeley, an MA in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles, and completed her traineeship at Maple Counseling Center. She is currently progressing towards certification in The Developmental Model through The Couples Institute and receiving personalized training in sex and relationship therapy. Known for her sincere care, Beth’s compassionately curious stance fosters collaboration, suspends judgment, and champions the unique strengths of her clients.

Contact Information


LA-CAMFT Email: prelicensed@lacamft.org

Work/Private Practice Email: beth@bethosinofftherapy.com

Website: bethosinofftherapy.com


Constructive Uncoupling Co-Chairs

Victoria Goldfarb, LMFT, Esq.: I am a family law attorney, divorce mediator and LMFT. I spend half my time in my W.L.A. office, where I treat individuals and couples and provide mediation and legal services to divorcing clients. I spend the other half of my time at Fig Tree Therapy Center, a group practice in D.T.L.A., where I treat individuals and couples. I have been trained in the Imago and Gottman Couples Methods (Level 3 completed). I have also completed a grief specialization training at Our House, as divorce is the death of a dream and a family. Website: www.vgoldfarb-jd-lmft.com.

Contact Information
Phone: 310.339.4598
Work/Private Practice Email: vgoldfarb@hushmail.com


Judith M. Weigle, Divorce & Family Mediator, Legal Document Assistant, and Mediation Coach: Judith can file for and mediate amicable divorces. Judith owns Divorce Resource, Inc., affordable assistance to low-conflict divorces. Her brand is compassionate service. We foster kindness and understanding while assisting you through your divorce.” Winner of the 2011 Los Angeles County “Outstanding Mediated Case” for the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney. Weigle’s philosophy: Divorce Is a New Beginning; Be Honest, Speak From the Heart, Take Responsibility for Your Actions. Judith’s Advice: Feelings have a price tag; don’t overinflate your ask. Website: DivorceResourceInc.com.

Contact Information
Phone: 310.441.7555
Work/Private Practice Email: Judy@DivorceResourceInc.com


Somatic Psychotherapy Chair



Expressive Arts Chair



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